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11 tips to earn money from home

Here are 11 tips to earn money from home.

1. Enclosed

It is one of the most popular in manual work from home. It consists of introducing documents or papers into envelopes and closing them; Is a very simple task and therefore the payment is usually small about 5 to 10 cents per completed envelope.

But everything depends on your productivity: the more envelopes you make, the higher the pay. The companies that offer the most jobs are advertising, but there are also legal advisors and banks that hire people to do so.

2. Assemble bracelets, earrings, and other accessories

This is also one of the most offered manual works from home. You do not have to make jewelry articles from scratch, but assemble them for example, put pearls in a thread to make a necklace.

It also does not require much effort and the salary is no wonder, but you can make good money by setting schedules to do this task.

3. Assemble doll furniture

The main task here is to assemble dollhouses, furniture, or assemble accessories for these toys. In this manual work from home requires a little more effort and skill and therefore, pay more also than in the previous two.

You will need the necessary tools to carry it out (there are companies that provide the tools to assemble, but others will ask you to put the hammers, glue to paste, etc..

It is a somewhat harder job to get because these companies often send workers who are already hired to do much of this work at home. But nothing is impossible and the salary is worth it!

4. Stuffing cotton stuffed animals

It consists of stuffing, sewing, and stuffing cuddly toys. It is not one of the most difficult manual works from home, but it requires a certain amount of sewing tomorrow.

It is usually asked to have a machine or material for it. There are quite a few job offers of this type and they usually charge more money than with and assembly of pieces of jewelry.

5. Make money by creating your own jewelry

Do you want to start making money from home by creating your own jeweler and handicrafts? Do not wait for companies to hire you to build bracelets and earrings, do them yourself and sell them.

By creating your own jewelry you can add income to your home by selling your own jewelry from home through Facebook, your blog, in your city’s flea markets, and you will not have to share the profits of your work with a company that hires you.

In the video course that I share here below you will learn everything, you need to make your own jewelry and start making money from home as you want.

6. Specialize in festive decorations

Create ornaments for specific events such as Christmas, Easter or Easter, and sell them. The small disadvantage of this option is that people only buy them on those specific dates. The solution? Complement festive decorations with others for celebrations such as birthdays, communions, company parties … For example, you can make communion centerpieces, cardboard baskets with candies and baubles inside for birthday parties, or garlands for company events.

7. Make candles

Nowadays, the artisan and also the natural and ecological is very fashionable. If you like these manual work from home, buy the necessary material and start creating your own candles to sell them.

If you do not have a lot of money to set up an online store, you can open a blog and use it as a store ). Investigate how they are done by looking for tutorials on YouTube or on specialized craft pages, and start making them at home.

You can even sell them by category For example, next to candles that you have already made, make others customized with the color and smell that a particular client wants.

You can buy vegan materials to make candles and sell them to people who are totally against animal abuse.There are plenty of possibilities and people love candles!

8. Do you like to write?

Writing is also a manual job that you can do from your own home, with the schedules that you prefer, and that will report a good income each month.

Did you know that today there are thousands of companies willing to pay people for the simple fact that they write simple texts? And best of all, it is you who can choose what topic you prefer to talk about.

If you are passionate about clothing, there are many fashion blogs that are looking for people like you to write paid articles on them.

If you have video games, sports, nutrition, music, or any other subject that interests you, there are also hundreds of websites that are now hiring people to write on their sites.

Here below I share a website where you can access hundreds of companies that are now looking for writers for their blogs.

Best of all, you do not need to be an experienced writer or anything like that. You should only like to write and create simple texts talking about what you are passionate about.

9. Create beautiful accessories

Do you have the ability to make bracelets, necklaces, or any type of creativity that you can think of and like? Start making several units of each item and sell them on sites like Etsy or Ebay.

There are plenty of possibilities of manual work from home of this type: empty pallets to put shades of makeup, covers for personalized mobiles, bracelets, earrings, scarves, your imagination is the limit!

10. Make organic soaps

As with candles, today there is a large group of people who prefer natural products without chemicals. Find stores where you sell material to create your soaps and tutorials with instructions to make them. Sell them on Etsy, Ebay, or creating your own web or blog as an online store.

11. The rich cupcake

Did you notice that lately there’s an obsession with these little cakes? If you have culinary skills take advantage of these handcrafts from home, get into the kitchen, and start baking delicious cupcakes to sell them. You will make a good salary with them as they are now so fashionable.

You can sell them online, or go to the bakery in your neighborhood where you know they do not have this type of pastry and offer you to make them every day a batch to sell them to their customers.

Although they are so fashionable, there are many bakeries and bakeries that do not sell them yet. The initial investment can be a bit costly because certain materials and special ingredients are required, but you can make a lot of money out of it. And make people happy to eat them!

If you are going to do manual work from home through a company, look for offers on the Internet or in the employment sections of any newspaper.

But first, look for references on the Internet about that company or person that is going to hire you; In many cases, these jobs are scams in which you will be asked for an initial investment which are usually to pay for the first materials that you send to start your work but you may not know anything else about them or your money.

So always look for references on the Internet by putting the name of the company or the person who will hire you. That way you’ll know if it’s a legitimate job or just a way to get your money.

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