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The Perfect Work from Home Space – A Garden Room

If you are now working from home since the pandemic, getting the right space set up to enable you to work full time from home is important. When you are working from a kitchen table, or in the living room, family life and home life can clash, making things difficult for everyone.

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One solution to this is to have a garden room built. A garden room is basically a structure in your garden that is separate from the rest of the house. The bonus is that in most cases, you won’t need planning permission to build one. This is a great way to keep the office separate from your home and enables you to work from home with ease.

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It also helps you to keep things safe and confidential. Anything that you have that is confidential can easily be locked away from the rest of the household, so you don’t have to worry about security breaches. If you have confidential documents that you no longer need, find a service like this confidential shredding company that is in your area to remove any confidential material that you have.

It is easy enough to connect electricity to a garden room, so you can supply it with heat and light, as well as power your computer, so it needn’t be cold in the winter months! If you have a look online, there are many garden rooms that are used as home offices that might inspire you.

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