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Working From Home? 3 Ways To Spruce up Your Office Space

If you have recently made the switch to remote work, odds are your home office could use a bit of a makeover (if you are lucky enough to have a home office). If you are struggling with ways to make your workspace more enjoyable, here are three things you can do right away.

Get New Furniture

Nothing makes a space look fresh like getting new furniture. If brand-new is not in your budget, consider used office furniture Indiana and treat your office to a makeover. You will be shocked by how much you can transform a room with something as simple as a new-to-you desk, chair, or light fixtures.


You will likely be spending the majority of your day in your new office, so why not decorate it and make it a happy, fun environment? This is your chance to make your space your own and let your creativity and your personality shine. Studies have shown that employees who are allowed to decorate their own offices boosts company productivity by 30%. Take this advice and make your home workspace exactly how you like it.


It is hard to get work done with numerous distractions in eyesight, so no matter how boring it sounds, take some time to declutter the space where you will be working. This is especially important if you plan to work from home for an extended period of time. A clean area to perform your day-to-day tasks is much more beneficial for your productivity, and it will help remind you that you are here to work and your other personal tasks can wait.

Teleworking is becoming much more common, and more than 26 million Americans work remotely at least part time. If you are making the shift to remote work, use these tips to create a workspace that you love.

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