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Moving Day With A Cat

It is best to put your cat in a room before the removal van arrives. A bedroom may be the perfect location. Consider where the furniture will be placed in your new home. Your cat may consider this room as a safe haven in the future, and therefore it should [...]

Making a splash

Racing action doesn’t just exist on land or racetrack; powerboat racing brings action out onto the water as well. Powerboat racing – an aquatic form of motorboat racing using super fast boats – has its origins dating all the way back to 1903 when the Automobile Club of Great Britain [...]

How We Use the Power of the Sun

The solar system’s star, the sun, is our most plentiful source of energy. Its immense heat and light creates our planet’s weather, gives us life-giving oxygen and helps plants grow. It also carries water to the surface of the oceans and allows for the formation of clouds, which transport energy-rich [...]