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How to Disinfect Clothes at Home 4 Infallible Methods?

Just like us, clothes are in contact with germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi that can be the gateway to diseases. You may also have someone in your family who is ill or has immunodeficiency problems and you need to disinfect clothing to avoid complications. Although bleach can be an effective solution to your disinfecting routine of clothing, it is not necessary and would certainly ruin your wardrobe. Generally, you can disinfect clothing properly using hot water and detergent. Read on to learn how to disinfect clothing at home.home

Tips for disinfecting clothing

To have clothes without germs or other harmful micro-organisms (remember that disinfection is not the same as sterilization, for which you need special machines), you need:

  • A large saucepan
  • Chlorine for white clothing and for colored clothing
  • Washing powder
  • Fabric softener

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Procedure for disinfection of clothing

Classic house disinfection consists of washing the clothes with powdered detergent, then putting them in a pot of boiling water for half an hour.

Once the clothes have been “boiled”, repeat the washing but this time with a long cycle wash with chlorine and cloth softener.

Do not forget that some clothes should not be put in boiling water. In general, it is only possible to boil toilet linen and bed linen without problems. Clothing is easily damaged by washing at high temperatures.

Also know that this type of disinfection applies to diseases considered as non-hazardous (such as flu or conjunctivitis) but if someone from the house has a more serious illness, it is necessary to see the doctors to carry out a disinfection In-depth requiring special machines and intense treatments with ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms.

Disinfect clothing with vinegar

When you think about washing your clothes, it is normal that vinegar is not a product that immediately comes to mind, but be aware that it is a safe and natural option to clean clothes and eliminate Most difficult spots. Adding to the wash cycles will eliminate soap and chemical residues that accumulate on clothing, keep colors intact longer, and also prevent static electricity.

homeUse Santos Specialty Products

Santos is a textile disinfectant additive that removes 99.9% of the germs from clothing. It eliminates bacteria that cause unpleasant odors on clothes, towels, pet textiles and also leaves a pleasant and lasting fragrance.

Santos eliminates the bad smells of clothing by destroying the bacteria that cause them, in addition to disinfecting the washing machine. It can be used on all types of fabrics and clothing such as sportswear, underwear, linens (towels, sheets, tablecloths), baby linen, textiles in contact with animals, Sick … It acts at low temperature, starting at 20 ° C.

Bicarbonate and alcohol

Another option to disinfect clothes is to soak them before washing in a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide. This is an economic product that we all have at home and that does not damage any fabrics.

Another affordable and affordable product that disinfects and cleans is bicarbonate. It does not damage clothing and brings freshness and eliminates bad odors.

homeAdditional tips for disinfecting clothing

 We recommend that you lay your clothes outdoors, it is difficult for clothes to remain cool and disinfected if you lay them in a wet place.

 Leave them at least a full day outdoors.

 Store your clothes in a dry, closed place.

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