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How to work from home effectively

Lots of people found themselves in the situation where they needed to adjust to working from home back in 2020 when the global pandemic swept across the world. For many people, this was a completely new way of working. But now this has become the new normal for many. There are some things that you can do to make working from home much more effective.

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Dedicated space – it can be helpful if you can have a dedicated workspace, this allows you to be in work mode during the day and then to relax after work. This could be setting up a desk in the corner of a room or having an entire room dedicated to your home office. In some cases, this can be a shed or an outbuilding that has been converted into an office space.

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Equipment – it is important to make sure that you have all the equipment that you need to complete your work. This will more often than not mean using a computer or a laptop and you might also need to consider whether it is worth a trip to a Vodafone Store Ireland way to get a phone that can be used for work purposes only.

Time – making sure your work life doesn’t seep into your home life is incredibly important for homeworkers and it can be useful to have clear work hours and times when you will take a break and where possible not slip into the habit of staying at work a little later every day to get a project completed.

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