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7 Ways to Improve Photos on a Cell Phone

Portable cell phones often have a bad reputation for their so-called lower cameras, but they remain practical and easily accessible.

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  • Since you always have your cell phone on you, it is more likely that the latter captures those memorable vacation moments than your camera.
  • Many photos of cell phones are just as good as those of high-quality cameras and, in fact, you can impress your friends by following these seven tips to take pictures on your cell phone.
  1. Improve your mobile phone

You can add lenses (including a wide-angle or wide-angle lens), a remote control, or even a combination of diving for underwater photos. You can also download applications.

  • For example, some applications add blur to images, although you can achieve this effect manually by independently locking the focus and exposure.
  • Other applications offer features such as color enhancement and planning for power take-offs.
  1. Use close-ups

The weakness of the zoom is one of the problems of many mobile phones. You must, therefore, approach as close as possible to the target.

  • This strategy also helps you to notice details that you might otherwise have missed.
  1. Follow the third party rule

For excellent photos, you should always use the traditional photography tips.

  • The rule of thirds rests on the fact that a well-drawn photo highlights three elements that make up about a third of the picture each.
  • For example a forest in the upper third, a red picnic cover in the middle third and a river in the bottom third.
  • Lightly offset your subject, keeping it close to an axis point.
  • A cell phone grid may be useful until you learn to master the technique closely.
  1. Be patient

As is the case with a conventional camera, it is sometimes necessary to wait a long time to get great pictures on your mobile phone.

  • The advantage of mobile phones, however, is that they are small and handy. Experiment with small spaces, varying angles and different heights.
  1. Take pictures of lines and patterns

These elements attract observers in a photo and often create an impression of movement.

  • They encourage a good look at the photo by adding a visual aesthetic.
  1. Use light to your advantage

Do not try to avoid shady or cloudy conditions.

  • Natural light may be too rough. Just do not exaggerate the shadow.
  • The best places are under the trees, in the alleys and in a house near a large window.
  1. Choose a stable tripod or handle

A movement, even slight, may spoil the picture.

  • Strive to breathe slowly and steadily taking shots.

Watch your photos on a big screen

One of the important points to remember is to inspect the photos on a computer or larger screen, even if they do not look good to you.

  • Photos that look poorly taken on a low-resolution phone screen can change when you improve their resolution.
  • The bad side of this technique is that shooting behind the plastic does not offer as much detail and sharpness on your photos.
  • Try this technique to see if the photographic quality is right for you.
  • In addition, while plastic provides considerable protection against water and sand, this solution is not 100% effective – and even a tiny amount of sand is enough to damage optical zoom mechanisms on most devices Digital camera today.

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