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5 Tips to Impress During a Job Interview

You have probably applied for several jobs. You have also received tons of invites for interviews. However, when it seemed like you are about to get that dream job, something goes wrong. The missing piece could just be that you failed to impress your potential employers.

As they say, the first impression matters most. To land that job during your next interview, kindly take note of the following, courtesy of real money pokies:

  1. Do your research

First, before heading to that interview room, you should be able to repeat the company’s mission, key players, and latest accomplishments. Ensure you take time to review the employer’s website and Google who you’ll be interviewing, so you can ask more targeted questions. Not only will that prove you pay attention to detail, but the more you know about the person sitting across from you, the less likely a lull in the conversation.

  1. Dress professionally

As they say, dress the way you wish to be addressed. Thus it is better to overdress than underdress. No matter how informal the company’s culture seems, a well-tailored suit or dress is always a safe bet. How often have you heard an employer complain about how put together a job candidate looked?

  1. Don’t be late

It is important to arrive on time for an in-person interview to make a positive first impression. Even if you are familiar with the location of the interview, give yourself plenty of time to travel. Especially if you aren’t familiar with the area that you’ll be travelling to, anticipate getting lost to avoid the stress of potentially being late. Build in an extra 30 minutes to get to the interview and plan ahead for traffic jams, difficulty finding parking, delays in public transportation, or the building being harder to find than you originally thought. Being five minutes early will allow you to compose yourself, but being five minutes late could ruin your chances.

  1. Showcase your strengths

In addition to being ready to answer all the key job interview questions, you also need to be ready to explain your strengths to the interviewer. The key things to remember here are:  Do not focus the bulk of your answer on what you want out of the job, focus more on what you can offer the company. Have a short ‘elevator pitch’ ready to start you off. This will present a succinct summary of your strengths and ambitions and set you up nicely to expand on things later on. Never show any weakness even when you play games at meilleur casino en ligne.

  1. Follow up promptly

It is key to follow up on the interview by sending a short thank you note to the interviewer. You would be surprised how many people forget to do this when they are interviewing for multiple roles and it really does make a difference to the way interviewers see you. If you want to really impress your interviewer then make sure you are well prepared for the job interview. The work you put in beforehand will help you come across as a stand-out candidate during the interview.

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