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For a more effective employee assessment

1. The annual review

You should see the annual employee evaluation meeting as a marker, a time to take stock of achievements and review the individual and collective goals to be achieved over the next year. However, this should not be the occasion to make surprising revelations. Good staff management requires regular monitoring of employee performance by managers to ensure that they are working in the right direction.

2. A meeting prepared

The timing of the annual assessment is an opportunity for the employee and his / her supervisor to discuss the year’s successes and gaps more thoroughly, drawing on the plan established annually. As a manager, be sure to keep written records of follow-ups completed throughout the year and take the time to review the employee’s file and prepare well for the meeting. Thus, you can go beyond the obvious and establish a more personal and fruitful contact with the employee.

3. Time to Deepen

Do not meet your employees in a hurry between appointments. Allow enough time to chat quietly and serenely with them. Listen to what they have to say.

4. A moment of recognition

Always begin by highlighting the strengths of an employee and salute his accomplishments. It is important that he feels recognition for the work done throughout the year. The timing of employee evaluation is an ideal opportunity to remind her.

5. Search for solutions

When meeting the employee, validate whether the intended objectives have been met or not. When this is not the case, check with the employee what the reasons are and find a solution with him to remedy the situation. It’s not about criticizing an employee but about improving the way things are done.

6. Competency Update

The evaluation of employees should include a development component. Discuss with the employee their aspirations and make suggestions for improving their skills in the desired direction.

7. Agreement on Objectives

Conclude the meeting with a well-established plan for the coming year, including goals to be achieved, solutions to the challenges facing the employee, and concrete proposals for learning and updating skills , If it’s happened.

8. The importance of follow-up

Do not let the employee manage alone, without follow-up, for the rest of the year. Some employees will need more coaching than others. It depends on the position, the level of autonomy and the scale of the challenges. But it is important to demonstrate support for the employee, whether it is to confirm the quality of work and enhance the sense of accomplishment or to guide the employee and make the necessary adjustments along the way.

9. for help

As an employer, it is possible to obtain assistance through the services of specialized agencies in the field of employment. Learn more. However, the work must be done. That’s where there’s a bone. You have to be trustworthy and have a boss ready to leave you the benefit of the doubt.  Yet it is proven that employees are more productive as well. Less deranged, less jazzy between two coffee or cigarette breaks, less noise too, all this contributes to better performance.


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