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Banking cyber threats to avoid

Threats to your banking or a very real and active part of our lives. It seems that every day we are warned that we must be extra vigilant with our passwords and keeping details safe. One of the worst things that can happen to somebody is when their banking is compromised. There are ways that this can happen to us. Banks are advocates for the importance of understanding the need for robust passwords and ensuring that Wi-Fi connections are constantly updated.  They themselves have several layers of identification on top of their regular methods. They have also instituted passwords, PIN numbers and code words that can be used to access your account. Only you should know these and they should never be passed on to anyone else.

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It’s a concerning moment when you see an email has come through from your bank. In many cases the first instance is to think what is wrong or that you were going to be charged for something. Criminals have realised that this fear can be played upon and snap decisions when reading an email can occur, which would not normally be made. One of the cleverest systems is the phishing email. This places a scurrilous link up on the email that you naturally click on thinking it will take you to another website. However, it’s a clever system of disguising the email and it actually takes you to a website that is going to take your details. With this information criminals can apply for other bank accounts, mortgages, insurance, credit cards or even clear out your own account. There is protection from this provided by Cyber Liability Insurance specialists such as

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It may be that we no longer go into branches; we certainly use mobile phone applications and computers more than we have ever done so in the past and however this opens up more possible ways of being stolen from. Be aware of what your bank procedure is for these instances. Remember a bank will never contact you directly and ask you for details such as bank account pin number or sort code.

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