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What are the stages of a construction project?

There are six main stages to every construction project in theory, however, every project is different and there may be additional stages depending on the work being done.

The first stage in most construction projects is the concept stage. This is the first idea and may come from the government, a private company, a property owner or a private landowner. An architect is normally hired to draw up schematic plans.

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The second stage is when contracts and bid documents are put together as these are essential for bidders to see to understand the nature of the project and what it might cost in terms of labour and materials. These detailed plans will include information on electrical, mechanical and architectural aspects of the build.

The next stage involves different construction companies putting together their bids to complete the project. Once bids have been assessed, the project owner will award a contract and final documents can be drawn up detailing many aspects including cost controls and timeframes. For Building Companies Manchester, go to Piggott and Whitfield

This is the time when construction can begin. The permits and licences are finalised and subcontractors hired, so that groundwork can start on whatever is being built. This is the longest stage as there is a lot to consider, including excavation, laying foundations, flooring and roofing.

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When the project is complete, the construction company receives payment. Once that is finalised, the building is complete and can be occupied. This, in a nutshell, is a brief overview of the many layers of a construction project.

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