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5 Ways to Clean Up Your Facebook Account 

When was the last time you removed old, outdated content from your Facebook profile? Never? Let’s change that. Social media accounts can easily become cluttered with content that is no longer useful.

Groups you forgot to join in 2007? Your boss sees it. Old photos from high school? It is probably time to archive those too.

In this post, we will show you several ways to clean up your Facebook profile. Manage your friends’ list, photos, favourite pages and groups you’re in, courtesy of online pokies Australia real money.

Slim Down Your Facebook Friend List

Not so long ago, having thousands of friends on Facebook was considered a bit of a flexible thing.

By now, most of us have found out that less is more and it’s time to decide exactly who you want to be friends with on Facebook. So go to your Friends list and start the cleanup.

Remove anyone you don’t want to connect with anymore. Unfollow friends whose content you don’t want to see anymore and while it’s at it, add your best friends to your favourites list and start adding people to your friends’ list. Friends lists are a great way to categorize your followers and give you more control over who can see your posts. When browsing your Facebook connections, see if you can spot fake Facebook profiles.

Clean Up Your Facebook Photos

It’s time to enter your pics and determine what you need to be on the net for all to see. Since you can make your photos private on Facebook, it’s secure to remove them altogether. Facebook readily corporations your snapshots into Photos of You, Your Photos, and Albums—this is a way to delete snapshots in each of those sections.

Deleting Facebook Photo Albums

Albums are the perfect manner to delete images from Facebook. Click the ellipsis subsequent to an Album and pick out Transfer in case you need to switch a replica of the album to any other carrier which includes Google Drive. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the transfer was successful before permanently deleting the album from Facebook.

You may find that certain Facebook photo albums cannot be deleted, such as profile pictures, timeline pictures, phone uploads, and cover pictures. You can download these albums and transfer them to other services, but their content must be manually deleted, one photo at a time.

Deleting Your Photos on Facebook

Your Photos include all the photos you’ve ever uploaded to your Facebook timeline. Only one photo at a time can be deleted from the Your Photos section. It’s a long, slow process.

To view photos that are not visible in your timeline, click the ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the Your Photos page and select Show Hidden Photos from Timeline. Here you can see the image of the post you deleted. These images may no longer be on your timeline, but they’re still there on Facebook and worth deleting.

Deleting Photos of You on Facebook

Finally, we come to the feared Photos of You phase of your Facebook images. This phase includes images you’ve got been tagged in. If you uploaded a photo and tagged yourself, you can delete it like any other photo. However, if the photo belongs to someone else and you are tagged, you can only remove the tag. Here are examples of our Facebook tagging guide if you’re still confused.

To do away with yourself from a tagged photo, tap the pencil icon after which click on Remove Tag. You can also remove a tag by opening the photo, clicking the tag icon, and clicking the cross next to the name tag. When you untag a photo, it will no longer appear in the Your Photos section, but will still appear on the owner’s Facebook profile. If you need a person to delete a picture of you from Facebook, then the best factor you could do is ask them. If the photo is offensive, then you can report it.

Unlike and Unfollow Facebook Pages

Next, sort the Facebook Pages you like and follow. To find a page you liked, go to the page flag icon and select Favorite Pages. Here, you may locate each page you presently like on Facebook. To assist you kind via your preferred Pages, strive to filter them from oldest to newest.

There are several ways to like or unfollow a Page. If you click the blue Follow button, it will turn grey to indicate that you are no longer following the page. You also can hover over the Page identify after which deselect Following or Liked inside the pop-up that appears. You’re free to unlike pages from the Likes tab on your Facebook profile or get rid of the Likes tab altogether by clicking more and then Manage Sections, according to

Leave Facebook Groups

The page is now ready. Now, go through your Facebook groups. Go to the group icon in your profile menu. This looks like his three figures circled in blue. Tap the Settings tools icon after which pick Membership inside the Manage Groups section.

Here you can see all the groups you are currently a member of and leave groups you no longer use.

Now go back to the group settings and this time select “Following”. Here you can see groups that you follow but don’t belong to. Unfollow groups whose content you no longer want to see.

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