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Unusual Ways to Make Money

Most of us wouldn’t say no to a bit of extra cash, especially at this time of year. Apart from the usual day job, what ways are there to legitimately earn some additional money? Here are some unusual or unique ideas of making a little extra dosh:

  1. Take part in a clinical trial

Doing your bit for science and humanity can pay quite well. Some trials seek healthy candidates, not only those who suffer from a condition or illness, to see how people respond to new treatments. You’ll be very well taken care of and receive a good payment for maybe a couple of weeks of your time and effort. For more information on what happens during Adaptive Phase 1 Clinical Studies, visit RichmondPharmacology

  1. Dog Walking or Sitting

If you love animals, then why not set up a local dog walking or sitting service? You could operate it in your spare time and people are always crying out for help with their pets while they’re away or at work all day. Put the word out on social media to avoid advertising costs and earn some cash whilst getting exercise too!

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  1. Translation

If you speak more than one language, then you’re in big demand! Advertise locally or on social media to work on a short-term contract basis or set up your own website offering freelance translation work.

  1. Focus Groups

Many companies pay consumers to meet together and provide feedback about services or products. If you are invited to attend one or more of these focus groups, you will be compensated for your time. Online groups are an option to if transport is an issue. Simply try a web search for focus groups near you or join an online community for product testing or paid surveys.

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  1. Competitions

Dedicate some serious time to entering every competition you come across. Whether they are in magazines, newspapers, TV or online. It might or might not pay off but it’s better than gambling! Try to avoid any competitions that cost to enter (such as text entries) and that way it’s not costing you anything other than a little time. Believe it or not, some people make a career out of competition entering!

  1. Rent out a room

If you’re lucky enough to have spare space, then why not get on board with the whole Airbnb phenomenon? There are other companies that offer a similar service, renting out a spare room to business or leisure travellers.

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