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5 more Christmas organisation tips

The nights are drawing in, the temperature is dropping and that December date is fast approaching. Don’t panic! Here are five more tips to keep the season jolly and free from stress.

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Make your own traditions

It’s lovely to be able to have familiar routines over the Christmas period, but you don’t need to stick to the traditions that you had as a child. You can make your own traditions that will bring you joy for years to come, whether you are in a couple or have a huge family.

Think of others

It’s easy to get caught up in the commercial aspect of Christmas, but when you take the time to step back and consider those who are less fortunate than yourself, it can make you grateful for what you have and re-focus your mind onto what really matters. Food banks are especially grateful for any help over the winter, so you don’t need to give a huge amount to help make a big difference

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It’s the perfect excuse to go through all your things and think about what you really want to have around the home. Papers that need organising, bits and pieces that you’ve accumulated over the year; not only will you find you have more room for Christmas decorations, but you’ll also have a sense of achievement when you declutter.


So many people pile unnecessary stress on themselves by trying to do too much. Take the strain off by asking for help. If you have forgotten something, get a same day courier in Reading, or wherever you are, to pick it up and deliver it. Delegate, share and accept help from friends and family.

Be realistic

Don’t go too big with your plans or you’ll end up feeling like you’ve failed if you don’t manage to get everything done. Think about what is actually necessary and organise those things first. You can always get items delivered using companies such as, so don’t worry too much if you find you don’t have the time (or energy) to go and collect those last-minute items.

When it comes to a successful Christmas, remember that it’s not about the perfect roast dinner or the biggest tree, it’s about spending time with loved ones and having fun.

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