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10 tips for growing your organic web traffic

There are plenty of myths surrounding SEO. There is no doubt that organic traffic is attractive; it means that people have visited your site without you paying to get them there. However, you need to employ some clever methods to get them to notice your web site in the first place. Here are 10 tips for accomplishing this.

10 tips for growing your organic web traffic

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Get your site in Google’s Featured Snippet

You may have noticed the Featured Snippet section that appears on the first page of any Google search result. This receives a huge number of clicks. You are more likely to get in there if you include your keyword in HTML headers and then answer the keyword question immediately under that. Limit this to 54 to 58 words.

Go directly to your target visitor

According to Digital Marketing Magazine, small business need to find SEO tactics that give them an edge over the bigger brands. You can participate in established online communities where your target market hangs out. Build relationships and get others to promote you.

Check out who is talking about you

Check out links to your site and reach out to companies and influencers who are talking about you. Build up your contact list.

10 tips for growing your organic web traffic2

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Spring-clean your site

Identify which posts are under-performing and do something about it. Refresh the text, add some new graphics and update, then monitor the results.

Buy an established web site

You do not have to set up your own site in order to work with an SEO agency in Dublin. You can buy one from someone else! You will immediately absorb all of their traffic and inherit their keyword rankings. You can ask SEO experts such as to take it from there.

Keep an eye on competitors

Make a list of your key competitors, record who is linking to them, and get those links for yourself!

How can you help?

Find out what problems your target group are struggling with and provide them with the solutions.

Maximise video content

Make your videos work for you by creating full-text transcripts for each of them.

Become a columnist

Identify which publications your customers are reading and offer a free column.

Republish old content

Give your older posts a make-over and get them back out there.

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