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Email Marketing Automation

Drive your business with Email Marketing Automation

Opting for the implementation of email marketing automation is an effective solution that will bring benefits and increase the number of quality clients. There may come a time when your business is stuck. Let’s say that your company is maintained, has a fixed client base, but you see that time goes by and it continues the same, without growth or increase in profits. It’s time to innovate and apply new marketing processes!

The email marketing has always been conceived as sending mass mailings to sell a commercial product and service. But, the truth is that in recent years has evolved progressively, both in their processes and in their approach to the recipient. Now the relationship with the recipients of the mailing campaigns is closer and personalized. A segmented treatment and care with your contacts that maintains the loyalty of your customers in the long term. Keep reading: 7 TIPS FOR ORGANIZING THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY

If we also add the revolution of marketing automation or automated, that is, perform marketing actions in an automated way using various tools, we will improve the efficiency and results of our actions, with greater control over them. We are going to get into the subject, and know how you can develop an email marketing automation strategy.

How to develop your Email Marketing Automation strategy

Email Marketing Automation

We will review the steps to follow from the recruitment of subscribers to customer loyalty.

1. Use the subscription forms

The creation of your own database is the foundation of any emailing strategy. Without contacts, there are no recipients to send your campaigns to. The name, date of birth and email address are basic questions to include in our forms. You can add any question about the tastes or hobbies to know more about your recipients. This information will allow you to customize the subject and the content of the emails that you send in the campaigns.

2. Import your contacts

With your contact list closed and collected correctly, it’s time to start the email marketing campaign. Once you have your email marketing tool, you need to import your contact list to create a campaign. You should check that all the fields in your database are verified. You can segment the shipment based on the behavior of your recipients.

3. Send automated emails

Here are some examples of automated emails that you can send to your customers:

Welcome email: it is the first contact with your recipient. The shipment is automated once the user subscribes to your database. You have to customize the subject with your name, the main reason that will make you open the mail.

Email Marketing Automation

Birthday email: sending a congratulatory email on your client’s birthday is a good way to build loyalty. You just have to add a field in the database with the date of birth. It is an opportunity to send a discount or an offer on a product as a birthday present.

Update email: consists of sending a notification message every time that a modification has been made in one of the fields of the database.

You can also automate the sending of mail for any specific date, such as a reminder with the last purchase of your client or the invitation to an event. These are campaigns that you can carry out every time you want to rescue and resume the relationship with former clients.

4. Measure the results of your campaigns

Email Marketing Automation

One of the advantages of email marketing automation is the ability to measure all your actions. Your email marketing tool accumulates the data of your campaigns in an automated way. Generate reports in real time will allow you to consult the statistics in the period you choose. Among others, you can get the opening rate of your emails, the click rate on your links or the low rates. This will detect the weak points of your campaigns and you can make the necessary changes to improve your results.

Another important contribution of the automation of your email marketing tool is the possibility of connecting with other applications, such as Prestashop or WordPress. This will automatically make the import of customer data from the store in the contact list of the application. You may also like:

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