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Project Management

7 tips for organizing the Project Management activity

Perform ” Project Management ” activities quickly and easily? Here are 7 tips that will help you boost your productivity! Surely at least once you have tried to find an easy way to help you get a job done quickly. These 7 tips will allow in total simplicity the possibility to go ahead with the project and also to cut some free time for itself!

As already mentioned in a previous article, surely one of the necessary and useful tools for a perfect organizational planning is Kanbanchi Board, that through the use of Signal Cards follows the beginning, the production, and the conclusion of an action, simply translated like to do – doing – done. Keep reading: 6 GREAT THINGS TO THINK ABOUT LAND OPERATORS

Project Management tips


Project Management

To this, it is essential to combine a series of useful steps such as:

Do the “dreaded tasks” first

Yes, they are the ones that are usually left at the end of the day; i To Do that “then I will” … postponing them. The solution? Take them, and put them as a need to do the first thing of the day.

“Break” large Tasks in small and handy blocks

Often large jobs can be overwhelming, failing to understand what to do as a first step. Start slowly, fragmenting the work into small blocks. During the implementation phase it is always possible to make adjustments but the important thing is not to get lost.

Set a deadline

Setting a deadline is a goal for the team. As a first point, of course, it helps “organically” to carry out a process of realization, but above all it determines a realistic and attainable goal.

Project Management

Say No

It’s hard sometimes. Being bombarded with questions is not simple and certainly can not be done or answered to everything and everyone.

Say no, sometimes, it is necessary to protect the quality of the product . If you can not say no, there must be a compromise. The customer can decide additional features. It will take more time and resources to increase the cost of the project and could postpone the delivery date. Are they willing to do this?

Take a break in the day

To be really effective and charge up all day, you need to take breaks. The Break is an opportunity to replenish yourself.

Use a Calendar

With a calendar, you have a more complete aspect of the work. You can quickly see what you need to do during the day and what in two days. Kanbanchi is perfectly integrated with Google Calendar so as to be able to plan the whole project line!

Review your previous week

Take the time to review what has been achieved and especially check where you are wasting time. We always need to optimize the time we have at our disposal, and also following one of these 7 tips can be a plus for your project! Check also:

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