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Winter Nutrition and Having Fun in the Kitchen

At this time of the year, good nutrition is the key to making sure that we have healthy bodies. Winter is a time when the long hours of darkness, drop in temperature and seasonal bugs can all have a detrimental effect on our health, so it is important to pay attention to caring for yourself in the winter months.

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Good nutrition is key – making sure that our diets are high in all the things that our bodies need to combat the strain of winter can be done by making sure that we have plenty of good food. Vegetables should be one of the main parts of a winter diet, as they are available in abundance at this time of year and are packed full of the right ingredients for a healthy winter diet. They are versatile and can be used in warming winter dishes such as soups and stews.

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Winter is a great time to experiment and have fun in the kitchen – when the weather is bad outdoors, cooking nutritious meals is a great activity to do. If you have kids it is also a good activity to get them into – as well as making meals, making sweet treats is also a good way to enjoy yourself over the winter months, and with only a few basic store cupboard ingredients like this Foodie Flavours organic vanilla extract, you can make lots of different dishes and foods, that will spark an enjoyment of cooking good foods that could set them up for life.

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