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What is the Best Material for Playground Equipment?

If you are looking for a durable play area for your back garden or public space, consider a wood playset. The natural charm of wood will complement your child’s creative imagination, and it will also protect your child from injuries like burns. Metal and plastic can crack or sharpen over time, and wood is naturally resistant to pests and warping. Timber playsets are particularly durable and resistant to warping and splintering.

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Engineered wood fibre (EWF) is the most durable and affordable loose-fill material for playgrounds. Compared to sand, it is easy to maintain and offers superior impact absorption. Wood fibre also looks attractive and is inexpensive, which is why wood mulch is used in most playgrounds. Pea gravel is another good choice for playground floors. However, it can compress and requires frequent shovelling. For advice on Playgrounds Cheltenham, visit a site like

Rubber is another excellent option for a playground surface. Although it requires regular sweeping, this type of flooring does not require annual maintenance. In addition, it can be changed to another colour if desired. Rubber mulches can be made from recycled tyres and mimic the look and texture of wood chips. With various options, you can choose the best material for your playground and budget.

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When selecting materials for your playground, consider the weather and climate. Metal is generally the most durable and resistant material. Plastic, on the other hand, can break down over time. However, metal playgrounds can be highly durable. Metal can withstand the elements outside but has a few disadvantages. It is susceptible to corrosion and can result in burns. Nevertheless, with proper maintenance, metal playground equipment can last a very long time.

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