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Summer Foot Care Tips for Men

The sun is out and so are men’s feet, possibly for the first time since last summer. Men can often be accused of neglecting their feet, spending time in front of the mirror perfecting their hair but not paying enough attention to the health and grooming of their feet. Unkempt toenails and excessive hairiness are both big turn-offs, so maybe it’s time for a make-over before you whip out the flip-flops.

Here are a few handy tips so you can totally nail it this summer:

  1. Toenails should never be left excessively long. To prevent ruining your socks at least, never mind your self-respect – keep them neat and trimmed. Invest in a good quality pair of clippers as cheap ones can often botch the job, leaving you with rough edges, cutting down the sides which can lead to in grown nails and splitting. A good goal is nails that are clean, squared off and about level with the top of your toe.

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  1. Deal with cracked, dry heels. When you don your Birkenstocks for the first time, dry, cracked heels are really obvious. Use a manual foot file or invest in a mini-sander pedi gadget for men to get rid of dead skin.
  2. Apparently hairy feet for men is a good sign and shows strong circulation to the extremities. That’s great but generally, it’s not considered nice to look at. One solution to furry toes is to wax them in time for summer. This is much better than shaving which leaves stubble and itchiness. Eyebrow waxing strips are also the perfect size for doing your toes!
  3. Be kind to your feet throughout the year so they look and feel great as soon as the sun shines. Always make sure you’re wearing the right size and the most comfortable shoes. Be sure to look at the wide variety of Mens Rieker Shoes available at

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  1. Don’t be afraid to moisturise. It’s not just for the girls. Moisturising has both functional and aesthetic benefits. It prevents cracks and fissures appearing, which can be painful and lead to infection if left. Nobody need know, as the best time to apply a moisturising foot cream is just before you go to bed at night.
  2. Never been to a chiropodist or podiatrist? You’re not alone. Most men wouldn’t think twice about visiting the dentist for a check-up but would never thing to have a foot check-up. Feet work just as hard as teeth, do they not? Visit a chiropodist or book yourself in for a pedicure, which feel amazing. You’ll be so glad you did and so will everyone who sees your sandaled feet this summer!

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