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Moving Day With A Cat

  • It is best to put your cat in a room before the removal van arrives. A bedroom may be the perfect location. Consider where the furniture will be placed in your new home. Your cat may consider this room as a safe haven in the future, and therefore it should be in a place where they can freely access.
  • Place the cat carrier, the cat bed, the food bowl, the water bowl and the litter tray in the room. Make sure the doors and windows are closed.
  • Post a sign on the door to let removal men and your family know this door is not to be opened. For a Removal Company Cheltenham, visit

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  • The contents of the bedroom should be put in the van after all the other rooms. Before removing the furniture, your cat should be put in the carrier and safely placed in the car for the trip to the new house.
  • Transporting your cat in a removal van or the boot of a car is not recommended.
  • Never leave your cat in a car that is too hot if you are taking a break.
  • Install a calming pheromone plug-in device, in a socket at floor level in the room where you will temporarily confine your cat. This should be done several hours prior to bringing your cat in.
  • After the room has been prepared, your cat can enter the room with its bed, food dish, water bowl, and litter box. The door should be closed. Sit in the room for a little while with your cat as it explores.

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  • Give your cat food.
  • After the move is finished, you can allow it to explore the rest of your house one room at a time if there is any sign of anxiety.
  • Close all windows and doors to the exterior.

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