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Animals to Spot on your Safari

If you want to embrace your adventurous side this year and go on a holiday with a difference, a safari is one of those experiences that you will not forget. Going to visit Africa and see the array of creatures that live there is a great thing to do, and there are plenty of places to go and stay when you are doing this, such as these Tanzania safari lodges

Africa is home to many beautiful wild animals, and if you are lucky, you may be able to see all of these and more when you are on your safari…

Rhinos – The populations of rhinos have really suffered due to illegal poaching, but great work is being done by conservationists in Africa to preserve and protect these beautiful animals. Head to Namibia if the black rhino is one of the animals that you really want to see.

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Elephants – The majestic elephant is a breathtaking sight and is easy to see on a safari due to their size! They are social creatures so you will often see them in groups as they roam the plains of Africa.

Wildebeest – Head to the Serengeti to see these spectacular creatures that move around in large herds for safety. They can often be spotted alongside zebras and gazelles as they roam the area for suitable grazing places.

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Lions – The majestic big cats are a real sight to see as they live and hunt in many parts of Africa including Kenya and Tanzania.  Some groups of them can be large, with numbers of over twenty spotted in some places.

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