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Exercises to prevent expression wrinkles

Expression wrinkles can give a face to healthy skin, an aged appearance. They may be the fruit of the passage of time, therefore we must accept them; but they are often a manifestation of daily stress. Although it is difficult to eliminate them, with a routine of facial exercises associated with proper hydration, we can reduce these small wrinkles so unsightly. On, we explain in detail what the best exercises against expression wrinkles are.

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wrinklesYou should start from the idea that to have healthy skin in general, you have to take certain daily habits that will maintain your skin and prevent premature aging, such as that of drinking plenty of water, Moisturize the skin from the inside. Likewise, before you start performing exercises to reduce expression wrinkles, you should know how to keep your face well hydrated through a care routine. A good facial routine associated with facial gymnastics will help you to prevent expression wrinkles. Find out what these exercises are.


On this area of the face, concentrates a lot of wrinkles due to stress, and the famous wrinkle of the lion. The most appropriate exercise is frowning and holding the position for five seconds, then return to the natural position. Thus, we relax the muscles that contract when we are very concentrated or even angry.

Even better is to accompany this exercise with a massage. This involves placing three fingers (the index finger, middle finger and ring finger) of each hand on each eyebrow. It is necessary to exert a small pressure towards the outside of the face, while frowning. Hold the contraction for two to five seconds, and repeat these movements a dozen times.

wrinklesAround the eyes

To prevent wrinkles of expression that form around the eyes, you can do a very simple exercise by helping you with two fingers. Place your fingers on your eyelids with your eyes closed and lightly press. At the same time, try to raise your eyebrows.

To complete this exercise, gently massage your eyelids by stretching those outwards.


In addition, for cheeks, one of the best exercises to prevent expression wrinkles is to fill the cheeks with air and stay so for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Therefore, you will stretch this area of the face that gives a very tired and aged appearance when flaccid.

For the upper area of the cheek, you can perform the next exercise. With the mouth closed, without too much pressure, try alternately to first raise the left side of the mouth then the right side.

To work the lower part of the cheeks, with your mouth closed, try to make a smile as wide as possible. With these simple gestures, you will reduce the wrinkles of expression of the cheeks, as well as the double chin.

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Rashed Ahmed regularly contributes to popular online magazines and living ideas to various blogs around the web. When he’s not busy working with the work, you will find him undertaking many of her own lifestyle-related topics and living ideas! He has a lot of dreams. He works hard to fulfill his dreams. He loves to share his ideas, tricks, tips, and information by blogging. He also works at find business ideas, a business marketing company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.

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