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Exercise Ideas for Kids in the Winter

Exercise is something that is important to everyone, and that includes children. With summer coming to an end, getting out and doing exercise may not seem appealing, but it is an important part of being fit and healthy.

Here are some of the things that you can do to encourage kids to get some exercise during the winter months…

Go on a Nature Walk – Getting out in nature is interesting and educational for children as well as being a good way to get exercise. Exploring the winter woodlands is a good way to foster a healthy interest and understanding for nature in children and it is fun to explore and discover the various plants that are growing at this time of the year.

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Make the Garden Fun – If you want to encourage the kids to go out and play in the garden, make it a more fun place for them to be. This could be that you get some toys and games, or go for something really special like a play area from somewhere like this playgrounds Cheltenham based company to help them burn off some energy.

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Go Swimming – Swimming is a great activity for kids. Not only is it good for exercise but it improves many skills and also helps them to develop water confidence, something that may be life saving to them one day. Find a local swimming pool where they can go for lessons or attend a family swim session.

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