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The Conveyancing role in a house purchase

It can come as something of a shock for the first time buyer to find that getting through a mortgage application is not the end of the house purchase process. It can seem like a real hurdle to climb, and when it’s done, you tend to think the hard work is over. From the applicants point of view, it’s probably fair to say that that’s probably the case. The next part is over to the conveyancer, and, if things are running smoothly, there shouldn’t be a need to contact the applicants again if only to say that everything is agreed.

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When you have a Conveyancing Cheltenham company like running thing for you then you can sit back and relax. Everything will be signposted for you. The conveyancer has to make sure that all of the legal aspects of the move are covered. This means ensuring there are no leasehold elements in the property if it’s sold as freehold.

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They also look to see if there are any covenants that might block the sale. For example, you may want to add an extension, if this is prohibited by the covenants do you really want to buy the place? They also make sure that the money from the lender ends up in the account of the conveyancer of the seller. This is very important work as the money cannot be directly transferred to the buyer to pass on. The money is being lent only for the purchase of a new home.

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