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How to Prevent Falls in the Elderly

Proper lighting is crucial to preventing falls, especially among the elderly. If there is no adequate lighting in an area, try installing brighter bulbs in hallways and stairways. Use night-lights in the bathroom and bedroom and consider clearing away any obstacles that might lie in hallways or at the top of stairs. Wearing slippers or shoes with non-slip soles is a good idea, as is using grab rails and a personal alarm. For a range of helpful Mobility Aids, go to

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Home fixtures should also be checked for possible tripping hazards, as they can be a cause of a fall. Ensure cables and leads are tucked well out of the way of walkways. Make sure that there is adequate lighting in all rooms and be sure to check that all rugs and carpets are properly secured with no raised sections. If necessary, install grab bars or remove loose throw rugs that could slip along the floor. It is essential to avoid tripping hazards, as these can greatly increase the risk of a fall.

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Proper support is essential in preventing falls in the elderly. They may experience problems getting up and down from a chair, so it is vital to provide proper walking aids and grab rails, especially in the bathroom. Moreover, make sure the room is clutter-free. A well-lit stairway can prevent a fall and reduce the chances of serious injury and you could also consider the benefits of a stairlift.

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