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What to consider when setting up a store

If you are thinking of setting up a physical store as a business, there are several vital aspects that you need to consider in order to make this business successful and to help ensure that it is sustainable. Here are just a few of those considerations for you to have a look through.

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Security – one of the most essential aspects to think about is how you will keep the store secure and all of the items in it safe from thefts. There are many options that you can explore that include the use of a Security Seal, like the ones from on products, as well as general store security such as CCTV cameras and security staff.

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Purchases – next, you need to think about how your customers will be able to purchase items from you. Are you going to have a physical store only? What purchase methods are you going to accept? The answers to these questions will help you to establish what equipment and accounts you may need.

Stock control – knowing what items you have on your shelves, in your stockroom and what is on order is essential to keeping a well-stocked store and to ensure that your customers are happy. If you run out of stock, make sure you notify your customers and let them know when these items will be available for purchase once more.

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