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8 Tips to Develop a Business Plan

Despite the advantages of a business plan such as allowing assess the viability of a business, provide guidance to implement and manage, and help demonstrate their attractiveness to others, many entrepreneurs tend to ignore the development of one in their ventures because Which they consider a difficult task to realize.


But for this not to be your case and do not stop taking advantage of all the advantages it entails, here are 8 tips that will help you easily develop a business plan:

Use other business plans as a reference

Using other business plans as a reference to develop one, especially dealing with the business to be done, is the first thing you can do to simplify your writing and save time.

Instead of making your business plan from scratch, look for other plans already made, especially that deal with the business you want to do, for example, in support centers for entrepreneurs, universities and the Internet (you can find a business plan template in our article: structure and model of a business plan ), analyzes its structure and content, selects the best, and use them as a reference or basis for developing yours.

Keep in mind the objectives

Taking into account the objectives of a business plan at the time of its development is another way to make it easier and save time, but also allows you to achieve a plan more likely to achieve those goals.

Develop your business plan taking into account and according to your goals; For example, if the main objective of your plan is to evaluate the feasibility of launching a new product, avoid over-explaining the operation of the new product and give greater emphasis to the study of the market; And if the main objective is to get financing, avoid over-explaining technical issues and place greater emphasis on financial assessment and the description of your executive team.

Consider the audience

Taking into account the audience of a business plan (the people to whom it will be directed) at the time of its development is also a way to simplify this, save time and achieve an effective plan.

Develop your business plan taking into account and according to your audience; For example, if your plan targets credit institutions, focus on the business opportunity and income and expenditure projections; And if it is aimed at investors also focus on the opportunity of the business but keep in mind that for these before the most important projections is the return on investment and, therefore, focus on this.

Start with the easy parts

Developing a business plan starting with the easiest parts or sections makes your writing easier because it avoids the frustration you might have when writing a plan in order and feeling that you can not advance to the next part until you have finished one.

To develop your business plan, first determine the structure you will have according to your goals and audience, then write the titles and subtitles of each part, and then develop each one starting with those that are easier for you Of writing or, in any case, those of which you have for the moment more information, and without the need to finish one part to be able to go to the next one.

Make a few pages business plan

A few-page business plan is not only easier to develop, it is also a plan most likely to be read, since today, where time is scarce, very few people are interested in reading long plans.

Make a business plan with enough information to explain the business that is going to be done and support everything stated, but not too many pages. For this, in addition to taking into account its objectives and its audience at the time of its development, it also remembers its main objective is to point out a business idea, how it will turn that idea into a business and how it will be maintained Said business for a certain period of time.

Uses images and graphics

The use of images and graphics not only makes the development of a business plan more bearable but also allows to describe or better explain the elements that make it, in addition to making it more attractive to the reader.

Use images and graphics throughout your business plan; For example, uses images of the products or services you are going to offer, flowcharts with the processor business processes, organizational charts with the areas or departments that will make it up, and plans with the location of the place where you will operate or with the arrangement of The elements of this.

Do not hesitate to ask for help

No matter how much you have experience in developing business plans or even knowing all the particulars of your business, a little help to develop one will always be a way to simplify your writing and save time and effort.

Whether or not you have experience in developing business plans or knowing all the details of your business, do not hesitate to ask for help developing your plan if you consider it necessary, which would not necessarily have to come from professional advisors , But simply friends or acquaintances who have developed one before or have experience in the type of business you want to do.

Remember that a business plan is a flexible document

Finally, to remember at the time of its development that a business plan is a flexible document that can and should be updated constantly, it makes its writing easier since it takes away the pressure of wanting to make a perfect or definitive plan.

Strive to make a formal business plan, check it several times, take good care that you have no spelling mistakes that could detract from seriousness, but avoid the desire to make a perfect or definitive plan, remembering that a business plan, especially in the world Today’s changing, is not a document written in stone but a flexible one that can and should be constantly updated by adding, removing or correcting information.

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