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Key Skills Needed to be a Traffic Officer

A career as a traffic officer requires a variety of skills, including knowledge of laws governing driving and roads. As such, it’s important to have the ability to think logically and analyse situations quickly. Officers are also required to be good communicators, and to be able to direct traffic and other road users effectively in case of accidents. In addition to these skills, traffic officers need to be highly patient and have excellent people skills. In addition, they need to have excellent observational skills and be able to quickly assess problems for the safety of all road users.

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Among the most important steps in becoming a traffic cop is completion of a police training programme in specialist driving skills. In this programme, applicants learn specific details about policing and the specific skills required for success in the job. During this time, applicants will be trained on the use of police vehicles. As well as learning about road legislation, elements of the training include vehicle construction so that officers can recognise when vehicles are dangerous, unroadworthy or have faults, for example.

Officers on highways are clearly visible as their vehicles will display instantly recognisable police livery and Chapter 8 Chevrons. Find out more at

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The route into traffic policing might start with being a response or neighbourhood constable. In these roles, officers will have demonstrated excellent knowledge of road traffic legislation and policing local road networks, for example.

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