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Top 10 Reasons to Take a Canal Boat Holiday

  1. With speed limits of only 4 mph, and miles and miles of unspoiled countryside to cruise in, narrowboat holidays immediately reduce stress levels and bring a new pace of life.
  2. Enjoy the freedom to explore. Most of the country’s inland waters offer free moorings for boating holidays, so you can choose where to moor your boat at night, with a glass of wine.

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  1. Maintain your fitness by working the locks and exploring the local footpaths. Cycling the towpaths or standing at the tiller and enjoying the fresh air is the perfect antidote for stuffy gyms.
  2. A canal boat holiday can be 20 times more environmentally friendly than flying two hours for a holiday abroad. And if you switch your car for a vessel, you will use a third less fuel and emit a sixth less pollution. For more on Cheshire canal boat hire, visit
  3. There are hundreds of pubs along the waterside, and many of these are historic rural establishments.

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  1. The waterway system is awash with history.
  2. Look out for wildlife. Waterways are home to many birds, plants, and animals including protected species such as the water vole and otter.
  3. Canal boats today are equipped with the most basic mod cons, including central heating, hot running water, TVs, showers and flushing toilets. Some even have WiFi.
  4. Visitor spending on the waterways supports over 54,000 jobs.
  5. It’s not difficult to learn to navigate and steer a canal boat, as a fifth are new hires each year.

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