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Essential Equipment For Camping

The most important equipment for camping has got to be the tent and the sleeping bag. Without these, you’re in for a pretty uncomfortable night! The problem is that the market is so saturated with low-cost tents that it is hard to find one that will last a long time. That is why it is vital to buy your camping equipment from a trusted retailer. If you are planning a trek through a national park or other remote location that has very cold nights, then it would be wise to invest in a heavy duty tent with plenty of room and insulation.

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If you are planning a trekking trip then it would be wise to invest in a good quality pair of trekking poles as they will make carrying all of your extra weight and equipment much easier. Most people tend to pack light when hiking so it is important not to skimp on this piece of gear. It may not be a necessity but a quality pair of poles will last longer and provide a more stable footing. For Camping Shops Ireland, go to

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Probably the most important item in your backpack is a sleeping bag, as they are an essential part of your sleeping gear in any type of camping trip. Depending on where you are going, it may not be warm enough to spend the night outside. If you are going to a place where temperatures can get very cold, a warm, soft down filling is what you need. Sleeping bags come in many different shapes and sizes but it is highly advisable to buy a high quality one which will provide a reliable and warm sleep.



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