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5 ways to book a hotel room at a good price

Everyone likes to make a good deal. The same applies to hotels. Here are 5 ways to book a hotel room at a good price to help you enjoy your vacation.

1. Web Aggregators

There are a number of
free sites that allow you to search for cheap but clean, comfortable and safe hotels, up to the number of room or floor you prefer.

  • These “aggregators” have detailed databases where to look for cheap hotels is easy and this worldwide.
  • By doing a quick search on the Internet, one easily finds good examples of sites that have a good reputation.
  • These sites make the job much easier. Briefly, they can collect all the information you want, even if they come from several sources.
  • They can display information side by side on your screen.
  • The deciding factor? These free websites do the bulk of the work for you and save you time and money.

hotel2. Membership programs

Some membership programs give you access to discounts that are not normally offered to individuals looking for a bargain.

  • Some organizations allow their members to qualify for large refunds.
  • If you are an educator or if you belong to a non-profit organization, mention it at the time of booking, this can help you get a discount.



hotel3. Flexible dates

Hotels, like most businesses, have their high seasons. For this reason, we advise you to do your research of cheap hotels out of season.

  • The months of January and February or shortly after the summer is the best times to search for a hotel.
  • Some cities, such as Las Vegas, are also busy when you least expect.
  • So do not be afraid to go to your destination during the off-season, in order to make incredible savings.

hotel4. Auctions

A creative way to find cheap hotels is to use auction sites, which are easily found online.

  • These sites usually allow you to bid for a hotel room and, if the hotel agrees, you get your room at a good price.
  • On other similar auction sites, it is possible to make an offer, but not to see the hotel where you qualify before arriving at the end of the bidding process.

hotel5. Call directly

A more direct and affirmative way to make a good deal is to call several hotels directly to find out if they have offered, or if they would accept a certain price for a room. In other words, negotiate.

  • In some cases, a brief discussion with a booking agent or with the hotel manager (especially in independent hotels) can generate unexpected savings. You do not run any risk to ask.

Doing some research, being creative and perhaps even bold can put you on the right road to book a quality hotel room at a good price.

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