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Why your offline business needs a website

Over 30 per cent of small and medium-sized businesses in Britain don’t have a website, and one in five are deliberately staying disconnected.

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This is because they are not convinced that creating a website will benefit their business, and this could be a huge mistake. Here are the four biggest reasons that your offline business needs a website.

It will be open 24/7

Your business will close down in the evenings and possibly on weekends, but a website will never close. This means that your customers can still buy products from your company and interact with your website, even if you aren’t actually working.

It doesn’t take long to set up

Lots of people assume that setting up a website is a drawn-out, time-consuming process, but it really only takes a day to decide on a domain name and purchase it. Once you have done that, you can hire a web designer to create a website (or you can create your own with a template), and this can be completed within a matter of months. It can even take less than a month if your website is fairly basic.

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It isn’t expensive

Domain names are very cheap; according to Wired, a domain name costs around £3.75 a year, which is very affordable. Hosting services are also offered at around £10 a month, and a website can be totally free if you build it yourself.

If you are looking for a London SEO Agency who can help you create your website, check out for an affordable and professional service.

You can compete with bigger businesses

It is almost impossible to compete with bigger businesses if you don’t have a website because it is very hard for you to reach audiences that aren’t local. Having a website means that customers from all across the country will be able to use your service, and this will help you to grow so that you can compete with bigger businesses in the same industry.

This can also help to increase your profits as you will be reaching a much wider audience. This could help you to grow and expand your business, which is why creating a website is well worth the time, effort and costs – especially if you think that your products could appeal to a much wider market.

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