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Top tips for choosing double glazing

Installing double glazing is one of the best ways to add value to your home, while cutting energy bills and making your home more comfortable. It can also be a major investment, so here are some top tips to ensure you get a great installation.

Do your research

Decide exactly what kind of window or door you need. Look at the various prices and try to understand why some are so much cheaper than others. When the salesman calls, you’ll know if you’re being pushed towards pricier options. If you’re looking for uPVC windows in Dublin, for example, you’ll have a good idea how much they should cost.

Be shameless about local research. If one of your neighbours has recently had double glazing installed, why not knock on the door, apologise for the intrusion and ask them if they were happy with the installer? If your neighbour is talkative, you may even find out how much they paid, which is a great piece of market intelligence.

Make sure the company you choose has a good reputation

With the advent of online reviews, you can find out who has the most satisfied customers and who has a bunch of unhappy people posting bad reviews. Be aware though, that people are more likely to post if they are unhappy, so a company that doesn’t have a lot of reviews may still offer excellent service.

Top tips for choosing double glazing

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Get at least three estimates
People are often reluctant to do this, because after the first interview with a supplier, they feel as though they have struck up a relationship. However, it’s madness not to get another couple of estimates, because prices can vary wildly. If you find that the supplier you like is slightly more expensive than the others, you can always raise this with them and ask what accounts for the difference. A professional double glazing company, like, will always give you a detailed estimate.

Top tips for choosing double glazing2

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Don’t meet the sales person alone
If possible, get a friend or neighbour to sit in the room, with the sole purpose of stopping you doing anything impulsive. Remember the double glazing ombudsman service is there to help:

Check your rights

These tend to differ according to whether you’re having custom built or standard units, so check to make sure you know how to complain and get any problems rectified.

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