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Nearly a third of small businesses aren’t yet benefiting from the internet

We’re all aware of the importance of maintaining a consistent presence on social media to connect with potential customers and maintain levels of trust with an existing customer base. There is a concern, however, that some small businesses are developing an over-reliance on social media, with approximately 31% of small businesses relying on their social network profiles alone to maintain their digital presence.

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Barriers to website investment

There are many reasons why a small business may choose not to invest in a website. Some businesses don’t feel that having their own dedicated website is necessary within their particular sector, and some find the design process overwhelming and difficult to navigate, and don’t feel as though they have the appropriate resources to properly maintain the finished product.

The importance of maintaining a dedicated web presence

As this Guardian article demonstrates, online marketing experts are continuing to stress how important it is for every small business to have its own website, no matter what industry or sector it is operating within. Increasing amounts of lead generation is happening online, and connecting with individuals within the Millennial and Gen-Z markets is incredibly difficult without a wide-reaching and comprehensive online presence.

Investing in a well-designed website demonstrates a level of professionalism and dedication, showing that you, as a business owner, have confidence in your business model and are willing to invest in it. This, in turn, will increase levels of customer confidence in your business.

Nearly a third of small businesses aren’t yet benefiting from the internet

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Staying competitive

Every experienced and knowledgeable Cardiff web designer, such as, can design and create a website that will help small businesses to thrive in an increasingly competitive business environment.

Increasing reach and opportunity

Your website will be the digital storefront for your business. Strong branding will attract potential customers, and your content will communicate exactly why your product or service is worth investing in. This information, presented in an easily accessible way, will help to increase conversion rates in a cost-effective way because it will be available 24 hours a day, even outside normal business hours.

Tracking success

Analytics data is one of the most important and useful parts of maintaining a dedicated online presence. Tracking how effective your marketing strategies are at reaching their goals will help you to hone your techniques to ensure you’re reaching your target audience successfully.

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