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How to Avoid the Christmas Burnout

Not long to go now until Christmas comes again! For many people, as well as being an exciting time of the year, Christmas is also a stressful time. With the same daily pressures as usual, but additional ones piled on top, it is easy to see why some people are frazzled and tired by the time Christmas day comes around, rather than feeling full of festive cheer!

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There are a few things that you can do to ease the burden on yourself, and to make Christmas a more enjoyable time of year, rather than an enormous checklist of jobs to be completed!

Although it is winter, taking time out to be amongst nature is great for the body and the mind. Go for a walk in the woods, or even head into your own back garden for a bit of peace and quiet. A shepherd hut from can help with the issue of the cold weather, yet still enable you to be able to spend time in the garden enjoying the peace and quiet!

It may be easy to agree to all the activities that are going on over Christmas, or you may feel obligated to participate in everything, but don’t feel that you have to do that. If you are worried about how little time/sleep/money you will have at this time of the year in particular, there is nothing wrong with saying no – you will thank yourself for it! It is common for people to feel pressurised into attending every possible event, but this can often mean that you burn out by the time Christmas comes around, and not be able to enjoy the festive period fully.

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If you are having trouble with family members or feeling that you have too much to do and are not able to do it all, tell someone. Asking for help can often be all that it takes to alleviate the pressure. People may think that you are happy to do it all, or not realise how much you have to do. For example, if the cooking of the big festive family meal falls to you, why not ask people who are coming to prepare something themselves to contribute? This way, it takes the pressure of doing the whole thing off of you, and people like to feel that they have helped.

Remember, Christmas is only one day, so try to relax and you may be pleasantly surprised!


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