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Why business data is vital to successful enterprises

Medical professionals are using data to develop screening tools that could identify patients at risk of suffering a heart attack.

But that’s not all.

This Forbes article explains how scientists are using data to predict when natural disasters may occur.

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And, right now, businesses are using data to make strategic decisions that will continue to have clear benefits far into the future.

The versatility of data

Data can tell us so many different things, from highlighting areas of inefficiency to identifying the purchasing habits and behaviours of very specific audiences. However, it is important to remember that it can only be used to guide us towards the right paths and decisions when it is used in the right ways.

Too many businesses are choosing pre-packaged analytics solutions that just aren’t being managed in the right way. In order to get the most from your business data, every data investment you make must be fully aligned with your strategy and designed to solve a very specific problem.

To achieve this, you may prefer to work with a data analysis company, such as, thereby ensuring that your business is using your data as an important business asset and prioritising it accordingly.

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The limitless possibilities of data

To highlight the value of business data, here are just a few ways that it is being used across different sectors right now:

1. The telecommunications industry is using data to inform 4D analytics and customer value modelling to develop personalised customer experiences.

2. Data is enabling different facets of the healthcare sector to collaborate with a view to minimising healthcare disparities and improving staffing.

3. The manufacturing sector is using data to develop the next phase of automation to increase assembly line productivity and optimise production processes.

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