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  • How to Make your Home More Insulated and Save Money on your Bills

How to Make your Home More Insulated and Save Money on your Bills

With winter approaching, it is time to start thinking about keeping your home warm over the winter months. Insulation is something that can have a huge positive impact on reducing your energy bills, and in addition to this, a well insulated home has a better EPC rating, which is something that buyers will look at when deciding on a home to buy, so whether you are staying put or thinking about moving, home insulation is something that is definitely worth investing in.

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Doors and windows are one of the main places that heat can escape from. If you have old windows, then they could be letting a lot of the precious heat out of your home, so now is a good time to think about replacing them. Modern double glazed windows are an important part of a well insulated home.

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Insulation Render – Adding an extra layer to your walls by using insulation render is a great way to help improve the EPC rating of your property. Get a professional like this to come and do it for you.

The Loft – Heat rises, so if your home is losing heat, it could well be through the roof. Loft insulation is essential to help keep your home warm, and if you live in an older property this is certainly something that could really help. Modern homes tend to have good insulation already built into the roof.

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