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Halal Foods – Understanding It Better

The term ‘halal’ meaning ‘permissible’ or ‘lawful’ has a deep rooted place within Islamic culture and tradition. As per the teachings of Islam found within its holy book- the Quran- and Sharia laws rules along with traditions passed down from Prophet Mohammad found within Sunnah; certain foods may either be classified as permissible (halal) while others forbidden (haram).

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Halal food is created through strict adherence to laws set forth by Islamic Law that also mimics other religious dietary laws like Judaism’s kosher diet. For example both these diets have defined rules for animal rearing methods; on how slaughtering of animals should be done before consumption while setting regulations for food processing, manufacturing and storage. All foods considered halal must be free of pork or its by-products, alcohol and any other creature forbidden in the Quran. For information on Halal Meal Delivery, go to

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Furthermore, to be considered halal meat requires slaughter using the Islamic method called ‘zabihah,’ which ensures that the animal’s blood is drained through three primary blood vessels – jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. For those who follow the Muslim faith and adhere to specific dietary restrictions when it comes to consuming meat products a critical step during the slaughtering process involves reciting a dedication known as tasmiya or shahada.

On the other hand non meat food items allow for more flexibility with countless fruits and vegetables available without worry over potential contamination by meat byproducts or whey. Likewise followers can enjoy various herbs and spices while also having access to pharmaceuticals that do not include alcohol or pork gelatin.



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