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How school trips can aid education

Following on from the COVID pandemic there was a distinct drop in school trips for obvious reasons. Children were not allowed into school, large groupings were banned and places were closed anyway to name but a few reasons. Now that all restrictions are lifted and life is beginning to return to where we were before the pandemic occurred, it’s time to start thinking about the reintroduction of the school trip. It’s also going to mean that a School bus booking and management system, like that from is going to be required to ensure the smooth management of the trip from the outset.

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The advantages of a school trip are easy to illustrate. Many pupils report how inspired they were by a trip to a museum or historical site. It is the perfect way to supplement the classroom, online and text book learning that is provided in the school setting. There is also the side benefit of the children being able to experience something that they may not have been exposed to before and to provide them with some social skills and behavioral training as well.

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Many teachers and Headteachers take a different approach to the positioning of the school trip. For many the start is the best place as the students can use the knowledge gained as a reference point. Others like to use it in the middle of the term as a natural break and a knowledge conformation. Having the trip at the end of the term acts as a “carrot and stick”.

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