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Taking Care of Yourself When Running a Business

When you are running a business, you will know that sometimes it can get quite stressful. This is often because there are a lot of demands on your time, and when a lot of the work and the success of the company comes down to you, it feels like the work never stops as this is a lot of pressure for anyone to have.

However, if you are not careful, this can end up resulting in something called executive burnout – this is when you have become so stressed by everything that is going on that you literally become burned out – and this has lots of negative consequences for both your physical and your mental health.

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Here are a few things that could help you to avoid this…

Have Support – Having the right people around you can really help to relieve the pressure and be someone to listen to you. At work, have staff that can take time consuming and stressful jobs off you like taxes. Contact someone like this bookkeepers Hereford who will be able to help you with this.

Take Time for Yourself – Make sure that you still take the time to relax and rest, as well as spending time doing things that you enjoy. This might be a round of golf, a walk in the woods or a yoga class – make sure that you have things in your life that make you happy, so it isn’t all about work.

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Say No – Don’t be a people pleaser, and remember that if you cannot do something you can say no. This is better than over promising and then getting stressed about not being able to do it!

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