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How to open a food truck business

If you are looking for a successful business idea, why not get into the food truck? In recent times, this style of fast food seems to attract a good number of customers. If food trucks make the foodies discover the culinary diversity available at every corner of the street, for a restaurateur, a food truck is the best way to get closer and closer to customers. For you who are interested in this project, the first thing to do is how to open a food truck. dedicates this guide to you.

food truckAs with any business creation project, you must first write a business plan. This document is essential for a more detailed overview of the activity to be carried out, the budget to be allocated, the necessary means and the strategy to be adopted to ensure the success of the food truck. The business plan is also required if you are planning to apply for financial assistance for the opening of your food truck.


When designing your business plan, determine the type of product you want to offer. Does your food truck have a culinary specialty or does it offer a variety of dishes? To answer this question, do a market research with the consumers you want to target in order to identify their needs.

food truckOnce you have an idea of the type of dish to offer, it’s time to set your prices. For this, consider the expenses incurred by your food truck. For the price to be competitive with those of your competitors, align your tariff with that of fast restorations or at most the price of classic restaurants.

Also, ask where you place your food truck. The ideal is to settle on a busy site in order to have more customers. However, before you settle down, consider getting permission from the people in charge of the place. Alternatively, you can also negotiate with companies to park in their car parks.

food truckOnce you have made the rounds of the question, you must now choose your truck. Depending on your budget, you have the choice between renting and buying it. In any case, it is more recommended to buy it. First, because, you can customize your truck to the image you want to pass on to your customers. Second, you can choose the truck that suits your kitchen specialty. You can also choose the brand of your vehicle, the size of the cell, your equipment, etc. As the owner of your vehicle, you will have all rights to make modifications or improvements to your truck. This is important to ensure the success of your project. In addition, using your own vehicle will offer you more confidence and confidence. Consider making your formal business. To start a food truck, you must have your itinerant trader card that you will get by registering in the Business Formality Center (CFE). This is done by going to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or the Chamber of Trades and Crafts where you will be given a registration.

food truckYou can now start your food truck. To guarantee you total success, think about doing promotions on internal t, especially on social networks. This will allow you to tell your customers your current location. Give them the opportunity to view your card online.

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