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7 ways to curb your auto insurance spending

When you add insurance subscriptions, a number of your expenses associated with your car can squarely curl the dizzy. Here are some tips to reduce your auto insurance premiums.

1. Protect your vehicle from theft

An anti-theft device (alarm, anti-starter, electronic registration) and window chiseling are not only an excellent protection against theft but also reduce your premium, sometimes considerably.

auto2. Look at your driver’s record

If you have been driving for several years without accident or breach, your premium will remain affordable because your driving record and the history of your claims will affect the premium you pay.

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3. Opt for a higher deductible

Although some insurers offer non-deductible policies, so you can pay nothing in a claim, be aware that if you opt for a policy with a higher deductible, your monthly premiums will be lighter.

auto4. Put all your eggs in one basket

By choosing to ensure your vehicle and your residence with the same insurer, you save on both your premiums.

  • In addition, you could benefit from additional benefits, such as applying a single deductible, if you are the victim of an event that affects both of your risks.

5. Shop

Ask for submissions from other insurers before the scheduled renewal date of your current insurance. You may have good arguments to negotiate a premium reduction with your insurer.

auto6. Look for the forgiving insurer

To avoid a significant increase in your policy renewal, some insurers offer you the protection that ensures that one or two responsible claims can be forgiven.

7. Difficult to ensure your car?

The Insurance Information Center assists consumers who have difficulty obtaining insurance. According to the law, every owner of a vehicle operating in Québec must have a civil liability insurance contract of at least $ 50,000.

  • By following a consistent and rigorous procedure known to all insurers, the Information Center agent manages to arrange between the distressed consumer and the insurer who accepts the risk.
  • To benefit from this free service, you must have made your own arrangements with several insurers and prove, with supporting documents, that you have not been able to insure.
  • Once you have completed this step, simply contact the Insurance Information Center.

In itself, servicing a vehicle can be costly. Insurance increases these expenses. To save on your auto insurance, follow our valuable tips.

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