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Understanding the Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia is the condition where people face difficulty falling asleep or staying that way, even when they have a chance to do so. Medical and psychiatric conditions can cause insomnia as well as specific substances, unhealthy sleeping habits and certain biological factors as well. It is impossible to treat any problem unless you know what is causing it because it would continue to surface again and again. Thus, the first step to treating insomnia is to know what can cause it. Let’s take a look at some of the different causes of insomnia in detail:

Medical Causes

You can suffer from insomnia due to a variety of medical conditions, some of which are mild and some serious. In some cases, insomnia itself is caused by a medical condition while in others symptoms of the disease can create discomfort and make sleeping difficult. Some of these conditions are arthritis, asthma, low back pain, chronic pain, sinus/nasal allergies, neurological problems such as Parkinson’s disease, endocrine issues like hyperthyroidism and gastrointestinal problems like reflux. Medications taken for these problems can also give rise to insomnia.

Apart from that, insomnia could also be an indicator of an underlying sleep disorder. For instance, patients with restless less syndrome often suffer from insomnia because they have the uncomfortable urge of moving their legs every now and then. Another sleep disorder that’s connected with insomnia is sleep apnea. This is when your airways become completely or partially blocked during sleep, which reduces oxygen levels or pauses breathing, causing you to wake up.


Psychiatric conditions such as depression can also lead to insomnia. It can become difficult to sleep when you suffer from psychological conditions and insomnia itself can cause shifts in hormones and changes in moods and physiology. Sleep problems often serve as a symptom of disorder and patients who have major depression disorders often find themselves dealing with severe insomnia.


When you feel nervous or troubled, you will automatically find it difficult to sleep. In some cases, this can gradually become a pattern and it begins to interfere with your sleep on a daily basis. Feeling overwhelmed with work and responsibilities, getting caught up in past events and thoughts, tension and fretting about future incidents and a general feeling of being overstimulated and revved up can make you anxious, which leads to insomnia. Anxiety not only makes it difficult to fall asleep (onset insomnia), but also causes you to wake up during the night and not be able to go back to sleep (maintenance insomnia).

Luckily, when you become aware of the cause of your insomnia, it is possible for you to deal with it. Taking Etizolam can be immensely helpful if you suffer from insomnia and anxiety as it is fast-acting and synthetic. There are also relaxing therapies you can try out, which promote peaceful and healthy sleep. In addition, you should get your medical conditions treated so they no longer interfere with your sleep cycle. A combination of these methods is the ideal way of battling back insomnia effectively.

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