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How to prepare your timber home for winter

With the cold winter weather upon us, looking after your timber frame house is essential to ensure it withstands the harsh conditions until spring arrives. With wood being one of the most commonly used house building materials, it is important to keep an eye on any potential problems that can affect your house. Here are some pointers to get you started.

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Use a humidifier

When the winter is upon us, it is all too easy to keep the windows and doors closed and turn up the heating. This can have a significant impact on the wood in our homes, as it causes the moisture to draw out into the air. Be observant to any cracking or shrinking from wood that is close to vents or heaters. If you notice a minor problem, using the right kind of humidifier will help to balance the moisture within your home.

Waterproof the exterior wood

Although waterproofing the wood should have been done during the warmer months, choose a dry day and get it done quickly if you haven’t already done so. You are protecting your home by waterproofing your wood, as the coatings help to prevent both fungus and mould while still allowing the timber to breathe.

If you are in any doubt, contact a timber frame construction company such as for advice.

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Be on the lookout for wood rot

We all know that wood is susceptible to rot, which can eventually cause the breaking of timber if not treated immediately and appropriately. As there is both dry and wet rot, it is useful to know the warning signs. Common indications of dry rot include cracks in the wood, peeling paint and the smell of mushrooms, which could also apply if you have fungus growing in small sections. Clues that you may have wet rot include bleached wood; flaky paint; localised fungus growth on the wood; spongy, soft timber; and a musty smell.

If you have spotted any of the above signs, it is probably a good idea to contact a professional for help with dealing with the problem. Leaving it can cause huge structural damage, not to mention a huge cos; however, if you are vigilant and follow these steps every year, your house should be adequately protected.

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