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  • Why do People Use Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers for Health?

Why do People Use Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers for Health?

To make sure our bodies are healthy, we need to have plenty of water, healthy food and of course oxygen from the air around us. Sometimes, we do not get as much oxygen as we should, this can be caused by inflammation in the body, or due to external factors such as poor air quality. When this happens, it can then have a detrimental effect on our health over time.

This is why many people will increase how much oxygen they get into their bodies by going to a place like this hyperbaric oxygen therapy provider for treatment. Basically, being inside a chamber that has an environment of pure oxygen means that your body can absorb more oxygen, the oxygen can get to the parts where it is in short supply, and your body can run much more effectively.

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Some of the reasons that people go and have treatment in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber include:

To reduce the pain of inflammation from illness

To promote healing after an injury

To improve the function of the immune system

To increase energy levels

To reduce the effects of ageing

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When you go for the treatment, you will enter a chamber which is then pressurised. You may feel as though you are taking off in a plane or going up a hill due to the pressure change, so might have sensations like you would experience in the ear like a popping. The amount of time you will need to spend there will be decided by the therapist and depends on factors like what you are there for and your current health.

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