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Plan A Summer Festival

When summer is upon us, many outdoor festivals will be held. We Brits love an outdoor event, whether it is a global, huge event like Glastonbury, or a local, smaller affair. These events are great for uniting communities and showcasing existing and new talent. They also celebrate art and music. It is not easy to plan a huge event. Here are some tips for those staging a festival.

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Outdoor summer events must be able to keep staff and attendees hydrated during hot and sunny weather. It is important to have plenty of water available. It is essential to have water stations so that people can fill up their bottles. You could also have a drink company sponsor the event and give out free water. This is not only a good way to encourage hydration, but also a great chance for a sponsor to promote their logo.


Summer outdoor events are very popular. Make sure that you provide enough space for your guests and consider their comfort. Watch the ticket sales to avoid long lines and excessive congestion.


For the success of your event and for your attendees’ safety, you must ensure that your event is well-secured. It means ensuring adequate security and being prepared with shelters and evacuation plans in case of bad weather. Medical care is essential for your attendees’ safety and well-being. For Event Medical Cover, visit Private Paramedic Services

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If there aren’t enough toilets, a day out can quickly become uncomfortable. Queues can build up very quickly. Do not skimp on the amount of toilet facilities. You should also have enough staff to clean the outdoor toilets.

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