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Electronic Data Capture Software and Efficient Information Management in Healthcare

The province of Quebec welcomes about 5000 new talented graduates from science programs each year and many of them choose to work on healthcare research projects. A lot of major breakthrough in Alzheimer and stem cell research were made in Quebec by some of these dedicated researchers. These discoveries weren’t made in a day and required countless hours of work and a lot of attention towards information management. Indeed, without effective management of the information accumulated by these individuals, many important breakthroughs in healthcare may arguably not have happened.

Of course, researchers are not the only type of healthcare professional that needs to manage information well. For example, doctors need to keep track of every interaction they have with their patients in order to have thorough patient files on hand at any time.

In this article, I will explain what electronic data capture software is and what its benefits are for people working in healthcare like you.


What is Electronic Data Capture Software?

Electronic data capture (EDC) software is mostly used to collect clinical data via electronic forms. It usually has 3 main components: a graphical user interface, a validation component and a reporting tool. You access it via a web-based application. You can decide to either exclusively use the system’s electronic forms or to use them along traditional paper forms. No matter which method you choose, you are able to access the information you need in a more efficient way than if it were on paper only since you are able to customize how it is displayed to you.

Even though clinical usage is the most common application of electronic data capture software, it can also be used in other medical research activities such as observational epidemiological study as epidemiology software and patient registries as patient registry software.

What are the Benefits of Using EDC?

There are many benefits of using electronic data software.

  • It allows you to build custom databases with as many fields as you need.
  • Efficient information management leads to gains in cost reduction and decreases time wasted.
  • Improves tracking of study subjects.
  • Standardizes your data collection processes.
  • Possibility of enabling many useful settings such as electronic signatures and automatic email notifications.
  • Enhances your data’s quality (patient registry and epidemiology software)
  • Centralizes all your studies’ management in only one application (patient registry and epidemiology software)

EDC software providers can also provide you with complete training services to make sure that everyone who will use the software in your facility has a good understanding of how to use it. They can also help you with the initial installation and the creation of your first databases.

In short, as a healthcare professional, you should absolutely consider investing in electronic data capture software since effective information management is crucial to the success of healthcare related projects. For more reviews visit

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