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5 Magic Tips to Build Social Media Presence 

Social media is like the new oil. Everyone wants a piece of it. From business owners to individuals, the craze is mutual. No surprise.

According to the 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 93 per cent of small business owners reported using Facebook. Social media growth requires time and effort, not to mention ongoing execution, monitoring, and strategic adjustment. That’s why so many businesses — large and small — turn to automation.

Here is a helpful list of tips and best practices that can help you increase your social media presence, courtesy of online pokies.

  1. Engage your audience. Social media is arguably the closest contact you have with consumers on a regular basis. Within a few hours after publishing, you can gauge your audience’s response and learn something new with every post. Take it one step further by creating opportunities for your followers to connect with your brand on a deeper level. This can be inviting them to participate in discussions in the comment section, answering fun “This or That” quizzes, creating polls, answering Q&As and doing live videos.
  2. Manage your community

Having a social media account without community management is like having a car that is always nearing empty (a.k.a my car in college). You won’t make it very far. Community management is a major driver in building your social media presence. In fact, Wu says it’s fundamental to a brand’s growth, image, and social success.

  1. Stay active and be consistent

Have you ever scrolled past a brand and done a double take, and thought “Oh you! I forgot you even existed.” No brand wants that kind of reaction. Social media is a game of visibility with brands. It’s often out of sight, and out of mind, so it’s crucial that you are active on your social media platforms and post consistently. Many brands start off strong, posting every day and then less and less until they’re only posting once in a while, just like gaming at

  1. Understand that it’s a long game

A lot of the mistakes brands make on social media stem from a desire to grow quickly. You get impatient and want to generate results fast. So, you might try the social version of get-rich-quick schemes to build your following. However, those strategies are only valuable on the surface. But you soon realize that they don’t actually bring you closer to meeting your goals and connecting with your audience.

  1. Use consistent photos, headshots, and logos

Brand consistency across social media channels is essential. You want to be easily recognized, yet so many small business owners are content to leave up profiles with mismatched logos and photos, some of which are blurry and improperly sized. This type of carelessness causes unnecessary confusion for your customers and can make you seem unprofessional. Instead of using whatever photos you have handy or simply taking the one-size-fits-all approach, take the time to create a consistent brand image across all networks and optimize your chosen photos according to each network’s specifications.

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