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Everyone on Instagram is taking the exact same photos

As of June 2018 statistics point out that Instagram active users were about 1 billion. Instagram photos are everywhere and honestly once you go for Instagram you never go back. So why do people get addicted to the social media app so fast?

  • The app is a visual for sharing stories through pictures.
  • It is almost a mini blog for some people. In addition, a lot of bloggers use it as a platform to generate traffic.
  • Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to interact with each other. Following back friends or generally new people and liking their pictures is an ideal way of making friends.

Its like how you get engrossed while playing your favorite online games on; Instagram has a charm of its own.

The Top Reasons to Love Instagram

If you love to travel, Instagram is for you. If you love making friends, Instagram is for you. If you are looking to tell people more about your life through pictures, Instagram is for you. And it does all this without depending on other things like status updates or friend requests, as you would expect from Twitter or Facebook.

There are so many reasons why people love Instagram. If you have been on Instagram lately there has been a photo that is incredibly familiar. The app is full of creative people, and an Instagram account known as Insta_Repeat has been capturing everyone’s attention.

About Insta_Repeat

Insta_Repeat has been creating a long list of hilarious photo collages. The photos are a real treat for any user on Instagram. “Wander, Roam and Replicate” is what Insta_Repeat is using to make every photo on Instagram amazing. You will get to see photos on cameras of a number of people on top of peaks, in tunnels and in front of waterfalls.

Unfortunately, most Instagram users post the same kind of photos. And it can be somewhat boring to always be viewing the same kind of photos. But Instagram stands out and one of the best reasons why people love Instagram is because of the pleasing aesthetics. If you are posting your picture you have a wide range of filters to choose from.

For the past few months, Instagram has some big additions on their social media platform. They include:

  • Instagram topic Channels that allow users to view different categories of views.
  • Video Chats in direct messages. One can chat with up to four people and each of their icons appears on the screen as they join.
  • Introduction of Music to Instagram Stories.
  • Question Instagram stickers that allows one to interact with their followers. This can even be through polls.
  • IGTV creators Handbook. A lot of people are soon going to forget about TV. Creating IGTV content is a great way to maximize view coverage on your account.

A lot of Instagram users agree that Insta_Repeat could arguably be the best account ever. The paint within the lines means a lot of users are going to end up copying each other.

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